Heart Rate Up.Com
Flatliner Series 2025
Allegany Adventure Run
Raccoon Rally 2025
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Jackhammer Trail Series
Our page dedicated to some great action at our recent events. Send us a photo if you would like anytime!
ODB sporting plate #1(2014's solo champion)during the 2015 6 Hours of Power in Ellicottville
Post XC race smiles Raccoon Rally 2015.
Raccoon Rally 2015. Yup!
Autumn Challenge 2014
2014 Art Roscoe Loppet 22K distance staging.
Gentleman's agreement on a 1-2 finish about the greatest sport on skis!
The comforts of resting after an amazing finish from a 12K Classic Ski race.
One of the start groups at the 2013 Loppet in ASP
Freezer 5K 2013 in downtown Buffalo!
AAR 2012-60 & Sunny this year!
A few from the Fire Tower Allegany Loppet
Freezer 2011-Yeti like bike. Yeti ride bike. Yeti.
8 in the Rough 2011 start. Pavement? What pavement! Smell ya later.
2011 Masters 8 in the Rough Champion. Hammertime!
Ultra Tough, Ultra 12-Miler start 2011
13K Starting Line of the 2011 Allegany Adventure Run. The ground shakes as the stampede kicks into high gear!
Sno-Joke, Snowshoeing is a hoot!
22K Start of the 2011 Art Roscoe Loppet
Glenwood Cup Winner Justin Gabreski OA for Skate & Classic combined 2011 Glenwood Cup
Glenwood Cup 2011 Skaters Start
Ice Ice Baby! Morning frost=hot fall racing!!!
You shop, I'll Race at the Fall Festival 5K Run baby!
Kids Race Group #2 lines up at the 2010 Raccoon Rally Kids Race!
Dirty Du 2010-Runners start with clean duds...
Non-Department store bikes racked & ready to roll!
Momma don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
22K Start of the 2010 Allegany Adventure Run
The Moonwalk Race during the 2010 Allegany Adventure Run
Let the Scramble begin!
Hey down there... Can you hear me? Loppet 2010.
Art Roscoe Loppet 2010. 12 degrees and flying.
Race Faces at the Freezer 5K Starting Line
Runners stage for the 2009 Freezer 5K
One of the groups gets a goin' at the 2009 Allegany Adventure Run Trail Race
Come back! Come back! Wait for me!!! They will be back soon.
Road Race action at the Raccoon Rally
Bike staging area for the Dirty Duathlon at Holiday Valley
Post race chillin' at the Ultra at Holiday Valley
I love you.
I really, really love you.
Relaxing after a tough race.
Holiday Valley Start Line
Art Roscoe Loppet 2009
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We'll see you at the starting line.